Think about it!

We always believe that thinking is something as simple and natural as breathing, speaking or walking. However, things are not so simple. To think, in the strict sense requires method, discipline and above all courage. The great Nicholas Bate has 14 unmissable tips on this subject. An excerpt:

  1. A skill
  2. Become rock star good at it
  3. Proactive: what do I need to anticipate?
  4. Critical: what do I need to do better?
  5. Lateral: what do I need to do differently?

Read it now!

Reflections about Leadership

Nicholas Bate has some important reflections about Leadership. An excerpt:

  1. Leadership is not about job title, job grade, position in the structure chart nor special parking place. Leadership is about mindset. Leadership is about does your manner, your voice, your tone and what you say encourage people to do their best work? And does your track-record suggest you have a right to say such things?
  2. Leadership is a tough and lonely job in which many will not like you all of the time. That’s why you’re a leader: to steer a path which many are not sure they can maintain because of lack of strength or too many distractions or too many seductions.

Make sure to read all the list!

Something Beyond Your Confort Zone

Good read from Marci Harris, founder and CEO at POPVOX, Inc. An Excerpt:

Age 22 brings a powerful blend of ambition, confidence, energy — and for many, a less-than-exact idea of where to focus that energy beyond a vague aim to do “something awesome.” That “something awesome” is never easy and always sits just outside your comfort zone.

It turns out that venturing to the edge of your comfort zone (and beyond) is not a haphazard thing. It is a cycle. There is a process. You can get good at it. You can start to feel “comfortable” outside of the comfort zone. But, at 22, sometimes it’s hard to know when to speak and when to listen; when to color in the lines and when to paint on the walls.

Here´s the link for the entire article. A must read!