Four short links: 01 March 2013

An essential reading to inspire your morning
  1. Fund manager Byron Wien on Life’s Lessons: Here are some of the lessons I have learned in my first 80 years. I hope to continue to practice them in the next 80. By Cultural Offering.
  2. National Day Of Unplugging 2013: How To Incorporate Mindfulness Practices Into Your Everyday Life – Do you respond to the beep, ping, rattle and shake of your gadgets on command? You may be suffering from digital distress — or maybe even a case of Social Media Anxiety Disorder — and you might be in need of a digital purge.
  3. 5 ways to be a really bad boss – Next time you find yourself grumbling about what a jerk your boss is, just think: This person could be giving you a valuable negative example. “I’ve worked for some horrible managers and some great ones,” says Steve Pogorzelski, the CEO of online-marketing metrics powerhouse ClickFuel. He’s grateful to the worst of them, he adds, “for showing me what to avoid.”
  4. Cancel the Apocalypse – An economy based on renewable energy, zero growth and a shorter working week might sound outrageous, but such ideas are hardly new

Four short links: 28 February 2013

An essential reading to inspire your morning
  1. Your business model is obsolete – Assume this: Everything you think you know about staying competitive doesn’t work anymore.
  2.  Working from home: the five golden rules – Yahoo’s new boss has banned working from home. But, says one expert, homeworking can benefit both employees and employers – as long as you follow a few simple guidelines
  3. This Is How Wars Start – This is how wars start: self-righteousness, wounded pride and ignorance about the determination of the other side.
  4. Apple shareholders to meet; stock split rumored – Apple shareholders are buzzing over rumors that the company will announce a stock split as it prepares to opens its doors to investors Wednesday.

Four short links: 27 February 2013

An essential reading to your morning
  1. How the U.K. can turn its debt downgrade around –Don’t be fooled by the market’s non-reaction to the downgrade of the United Kingdom’s debt. The government must give the perception that the country is a safe haven for foreign investors.
  2.  What Business Leaders Can Learn from ‘Generation Mobile’ –  About four years ago, we started hiring high school interns. The idea was to introduce basic software development skills and help create interest in the field. What we didn’t anticipate was how much we’d learn in the process. In many ways, the teachers became the students, and the experience continues to transform the way we view risk, reward — and the user experience.
  3. 14 Things Successful People Do On Weekends – Spencer Rascoff is only 37. Yet, the Harvard grad and father of three has already accomplished so much. He co-founded and served as a VP for Expedia; he held the roles of CFO, vice president of marketing and COO at Zillow; and in 2008, Rascoff was promoted to chief executive of the popular real estate information site.
  4. Fake job offers lure low-income applicants into money laundering – Fraudsters are targeting vulnerable, low-income groups, including students, people on benefits and new entrants to the UK, with job adverts that recruit people to money launder thousands of pounds for criminal gangs abroad.